Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy 3/4ths!

My little baby is 3/4ths today. She has now been an outside baby the same amount of time she was an inside baby. Time sure does fly when you have an amazing Gab! I am watching her play with her ear right now while she bounces in her jumparoo and think back to 9 months ago how this moment was so far away, yet here we are.

My little Gabs is absolutely amazing. She is crawling, walking while holding on to our hands or her train walker, she is discovering interesting things about herself each and every day. She claps, waves, blows kisses, and plays peekaboo back. She smiles, looks surprised when you pop out at her (even if she was expecting it) and knows that I know what she's up to when I ask her "really?"(then she giggles and goes back to being a rule follower!) She feeds herself (and the dogs, and the floor, and her clothes), she has a fantastic sense of humor and she is absolutely utterly amazing and has stolen my heart. I cannot believe 3/4th of a year has gone by since our little miracle. I am so looking forward to all she has in store for the remainder of her first year and beyond.

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